Gilding Kits, Great Results With Full Illustrated Instructions
The gilding kits for sale here will enable you to achieve all the types of finishes contained on this website including the crackle glaze and
antique glaze.
The full instructions for these gilding kits are contained within the manual which is free to download here. How to Achieve Antique and other Distressed Finishes to Dutch Metal Leaf.
Due to restrictions on hazardous chemicals being sent through the post, I am unable to sell the size which I recommend, ready mixed, however
all you need to make this size is methylated spirit which is available over the counter in most countries, it is profoundly simple to mix and
There is sufficient in these gilding kits to treat several A4 or letter sized picture frames, you can purchase additional materials if you
need them.
Please note that the prices stated here include handling and shipping to your door by airmail, no extra charges if you are in the UK or the USA. Please note however that there will be a surcharge for delivery to Australasia or
similar price band destinations. Please mail us for details.
I offer three gilding kits, they all include a high quality set of brushes, this is important, as with a cheap brush you will
always have to face the likelihood of stray bristles detaching themselves from the brush and interfering with your work if not spoiling
The Standard Gilding Kit

This is an example of the Standard Antique Finish, it is simple to execute and very effective, particularly in the way this
finish reflects light. We found this a very economic method of antique gilding picture frames. I feel this finish is particularly suited to the treatment of large wall panels.
The Crackle Glaze Kit

This is an example of what you can achieve using the Crackle Glaze Kit.
Many people who are new to gilding have heard of the crackle glaze and want to know how to do
it. I have tried most commercially available crackle glazes, some rely on oil and water varnishes which are difficult to judge due to
temperature and humidity variations.
The two part crackle varnish I sell here is very reliable indeed, I would say
foolproof under normal working conditions, it is an acrylic based medium and is simply painted on with a brush. Of course
with this kit you are also able to produce the Standard Antique Finish.
The Professional Kit

The Professional Kit enables you to obtain both the Standard Antique Finish & the Crackle
Glaze finish, but it also opens up working with gesso, this is an example of the effect you can simply achieve using this kit.
I give clear instructions on how to mix and prepare gesso, it is not difficult to achieve this
sort of finish. Neither is it necessary to have expensive equipment.
Remember I promise to be on hand by telephone or email to help you though any problems
you may encounter.
The Standard Gilding Kit...Price £14.99/$29.80 This includes shipping by airmail to
your door

We named this finish the Standard Antique Finish as it is so simple to prepare and
apply and the results are a standard against which other simple antique finishes should be measured.
The Kit comes
One book of imitation gold
25g of shellac,
15g of red ochre
10g antique
Quality Artists 3 brush set.
The Crackle Glaze Gilding Kit...Price £22.99/$45.00 This includes shipping by
airmail to your door.

The crackle glaze used in this kit will give dependable
results that anyone can achieve providing the simple instructions are followed.
The kit comes
One book of imitation gold
25g of shellac,
15g of red ochre
10g antique
Quality Artists 3 brush
50ml Crackle Base
50ml Crackle Glaze Top Coat
The Professional Gilding Kit...Price £29.99/$59.00 This includes shipping by airmail to your door.

In this kit you have everything you need to achieve the
Standard and Crackle Finishes, plus you can create “distressed” gesso finishes, you will receive;
Two books of imitation
gold leaf,
25g of shellac,
15g of red ochre
10g antique
Quality Artists 3 brush
50ml Crackle Base
50ml Crackle Glaze Top
380g gesso
20g Rabbit Skin Glue
Here you will find further gold leaf supplies.