This Is How You Apply A Simple Antique Glaze
An antique glaze is often used in conjunction with the crackle glaze to make the gold look older. Here you can see the results of using the
antique glaze in some before and after pictures.

As you can see the effect is very pleasing to the eye.
I use an oil based antique glaze, this is important as the crackle glaze top coats are mostly water based.
It would be no good using a water based antique glaze, such as an acrylic, as it would dissolve the top coat of the crackle glaze, so always
use an oil based paint for this procedure.
You simply rub in the glaze with a pad of cotton wool, making sure the glaze is worked into the cracks caused by the crackle glaze.
The cracks caused by the crackle glaze may not be visible until you have applied the antique glaze.
You then simply wipe off the surplus glaze which leaves a thin coating all over the gilded area, and highlights the crackle.

Here are a couple of before and after pictures which demonstrate how the crackle glaze becomes highlighted after the application of the
antique glaze.
When dry I suggest giving a final coat of lacquer in order to seal the whole piece.
Both these antique glazes and all other materials and equipment can be purchased from this site.
As you can see, applying an antique glaze is a very simple process. You can of course experiment with different coloured antique glazes, I
found a vermillion oil paint which produced a very nice effect.
Another material you can use to create striking visual effects, is neither difficult to make or apply, see
how you can use gesso.